Blueprint summary

Being able to ask effective questions will help to improve your communication skills and interactions. It will help you to develop positive relationships and get the relevant and useful information you need from your conversations.

This Bite-size Blueprint will help you to think about the types of questions you use, how you can use them, and to think about a few wider aspects.

Buy it for just £15 (plus VAT at 20%).

Questioning Skills


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Blueprint Content


Mark Wilson

Sales & Product
Training Manager,
IVC Group

“Andrew understands how business works; the cogs that whirr in the background of an organisation. His skill is that he is able to listen to those sounds, interpret them and in his understated, measured style; develop questions to probe further, help you to crystallise your thoughts, and then give assured experience and guidance as to how to oil those cogs and make your projects and plans run all the smoother and more effectively.” Mark Wilson, Sales & Product Training Manager, IVC Group

Questioning Skills


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